Friday, October 20, 2017

Are Trump's Tweets Just Designed to Distract Us?

They do seem to drive the media conversation:

I really don't know if Trump Tweets are a rabbit hole I want to dive into...


  1. I don't think he is really as dumb as he lets on too, but I don't think he is doing the job for the betterment of the country. I think he is trying to get a bunch of tax breaks for himself and other rich people till he gets kicked out.

    1. Your interpretation would put him smack dab in the middle of mainstream political corruption and self-promotion. It is sad that we can only hope that this is the extent of Trump's failings.


Official 2024 Election Prediction

OFFICIAL ELECTION PREDICTION!!! Which in no way is based upon their fitness for office as neither is fit to be dogcatcher. This is the LEAST...