Monday, April 27, 2020

Your Government Will Fuck Up Pandemic Response

Probably this post will be ever expanding. There is equal opportunity blame to go around, so don't get all partisan on me!

Thanks Bob, for this timely blast from the past:

Overview from Reason:

Drink Lysol? It amazes me how the President can make an incredibly stupid comment, get defended by Republicans and the Left will STILL exaggerate the shit out of it because they aren't satisfied with the already epic level of stupid demonstrated by using his exact words:

They used emergency supplies and didn't replenish them...all of them...yes, Obama too:

Partisan, but still a good timeline:

Official 2024 Election Prediction

OFFICIAL ELECTION PREDICTION!!! Which in no way is based upon their fitness for office as neither is fit to be dogcatcher. This is the LEAST...