Thursday, August 29, 2024

Your Government Will Always Cover Up The Massacres

This is a multi part podcast with photos covering the massacre of 24 residents of Haditha during the Iraq War by U.S. Marines and the subsequent cover-up. I am linking the first episode, but it is behind a paywall. The Reason article summarizes the series.

No one has gone to jail for this. Only one person was demoted. 

Even though this was pure and simple Murder.

From the Reason Article

Monday, August 12, 2024

The Chinese Communist Party's Victims...A Review

"It’s against this ambivalence that Steven Mosher builds a compelling case in The Devil and Communist China. He convincingly argues that the evil practiced by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) eclipses the evil wrought by the USSR, pointing out in the introduction that, per The Black Book of Communism, China was responsible for 65 million deaths, while the Soviet Union purged 20 million — then noting that China’s numbers don’t include the roughly 500 million unborn killed due to its one-child policy.

Mosher’s The Devil and Communist China offers a profound and chilling examination of the CCP’s history and its effect on the world. Mosher, leveraging decades of research, presents a meticulously documented account of the CCP’s reign, characterized by mass purges, starvation, and a relentless crush on dissent. Mosher draws a direct line from the ideological foundations laid by Karl Marx to the execution of these policies by Mao Zedong and his successors up to today’s paramount leader, Xi Jinping."

Sunday, August 11, 2024

Your Government Is Coming For Your Alcohol

The unelected bureaucrats strike again!

3 of the 6 on the ICCPUD members - not writing that out but they supposedly coordinate underage drinking prevention amongst agencies - are from CANADA!

They are set to declare no amount of alcohol safe and the lawsuits and price increases are sure to follow!

Friday, August 9, 2024

If Your Government SWATS Your House By Mistake You Are Shit Out Of Luck

 This is not an outlier.

The government has repeatedly been protected from having to pay for damages to a home that they entered wrongfully, even when they simply couldn't be bothered to check the address!!

This is without even considering the psychological harm of having your home invaded and your children terrorized.

Your Government Will Always Cover Up The Massacres

This is a multi part podcast with photos covering the massacre of 24 residents of Haditha during the Iraq War by U.S. Marines and the subseq...